Greetings, Leaders!
We want to let you know about some important maintenance work scheduled soon. The game will be unavailable during this time.
■ Schedule
- 2025-01-21 23:55 ~ 2025-01-22 04:00 UTC
■ Update Info
- Sky Road Challenge
- The Sky Road Challenge will be unlocked at Town Hall Lv.8 or higher.
- Take on a new challenge [Up in the air] and soar to greater heights!
- Purification Event: An Alliance Bounty Chest will be awarded upon receiving the First Defeat reward.
- A new feature has been added to use all required resources at once for Construction, Research, Bender Recruitment, and Healing.
- Notifications will now be sent upon receiving Personal Mail.
- The remaining time until Invasion starts will now be displayed in the Alliance menu.
- The Avatar Trail lobby layout has been updated.
- When relocating a city, reinforcement rally troops will now automatically return.
- If there are unread or unclaimed mails, the notification will display the quantity.
- When organizing troops, empty march slots will now be displayed for better visibility.
- The victory animation for Avatar Trail battles has been partially improved.
- The touch area for troops on the field map has been enhanced.
- Alliance Gold will now be calculated once every hour.
■ Bug Fix
- An issue where city wall durability decreased abnormally upon losing a city battle has been fixed.
- An issue where city shields were not applied in certain situations has been resolved.
- An issue where the Trading Post failed to refresh in some cases has been fixed.
- An issue preventing the creation of Invasion rallies under specific circumstances has been resolved.
- An issue where hero rank-up result screen colors displayed abnormally in certain environments has been corrected.
- An issue where stronghold shields were displayed incorrectly at the end of the Chronicle of Harmony chapter has been fixed.
- An issue where some heroes' healing skills were applied abnormally during Avatar Trail battles has been resolved.
- An issue where completion criteria for certain construction quests were applied incorrectly has been fixed.
- An issue where some events did not refresh at the scheduled time has been resolved.
- An issue where the notification for Daily Deal rewards did not disappear after claiming had been fixed.
- An issue where heroes abnormally gained rage points in certain stages during Avatar Trail battles has been resolved.
- The incorrect acquisition information for the hero Azula has been corrected.
■ Balance Fix
- The required Alliance Points and member count for constructing Alliance Fortresses and Frontlines will be reduced.
- As the Alliance Points required for construction are reduced, the Alliance Points returned upon demolishing Alliance Fortresses or Frontlines after the update will also be reduced compared to before.
- Even if an Alliance Fortress or Frontline was constructed before the update, only half of the updated cost will be returned when demolished after the update.
- If the construction of an Alliance Fortress or Frontline began before the update but is still in progress after the update, only half of the updated cost will be returned upon demolition.
- The Alliance Gold and Points required for stronghold restoration will be adjusted.
- The adjusted amounts of Alliance Gold and Points required may vary depending on the number of strongholds owned, potentially being higher or lower than the previous amounts.
■ Supply Quest Changes
- Changes to the method and criteria for obtaining Supply Crates:
- Harvest resources will be removed as a method to obtain Supply Boxes.
- The resource collection threshold for acquiring Supply Boxes will be adjusted.
- You will now be guaranteed to receive a Supply Box upon meeting the required resource collection threshold when defeating Shattered Skull or gathering from resource sites.
- A new method for earning Ranking Points will be added:
- You can now earn Ranking Points by collecting a certain amount of resources on the field map.
- The method for earning Ranking Points through Shattered Skull defeats remains unchanged.
※ Please note that the in-game description for earning Ranking Points currently appears as it did before, but this will be corrected in a future update.
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